![]() "When my Tia Lorena started asking me questions, I knew something had to be up, and when Neli dropped the bomb on me, I was excited and honored to be part of their day. The first time I met Landon, I knew that he was the one for her, and he's proven that he can hang with our large loud family. Growing up on opposite coasts, Neli and I were separated by distance, pause...thank you, Mom, Dad, Tio, Tia, Lito, and Lita for putting up with our phone bills! But it didn't matter because while we were so far apart, we weren't cousins, we were like sisters. Going to college and then, later moving to California changed both of our lives for the better. We have so many memories together, and quite a bit of them we'll take to the grave, but some of my most favorite ones involve Neli, and now I hope the memories we make together in future will include both our children and our husbands. So, here's today, tomorrow, and always. Congratulations you two crazy kids!" |
![]() "Nelida is my big sister and so I've known her my entire life. She introduced me to Landon a few months ago and I've gotta say that I have never seen her look at anyone the way she looks at him. Growing up we got into trouble by raiding her mom's closet and jewelry to play wedding, whenever she would describe her husband he would be tall and blonde with light eyes, just like Landon. This is the day she's been dreaming of her whole life and I'm so excited to be a part of their journey. To my big sis and my new big bro in law, Congrats and welcome to the fam, Landon!" |
![]() "No offense to Gideon but Landon's always been the brother I got along with better. We were like frick and frack, getting in trouble together or he'd be saving my skin because I did something stupid again. I was that kid. Landon's always been stupidly modest about the fact that he's actually a great guy. Our parents raised him right and he's one of the smartest people I know. It's not that he doubts himself or whatever but he's always been humble - Neli, please keep him that way. You and my brother may have put your romance on the fast track but I've never seen him this way over a girl - ever. I lucked out in the sister-in-law department. I hope your marriage lasts until you're old and wrinkly. Hopefully by then Landon's shrunk a few inches." |
![]() "I've known Nelida since she was a year old. Not that I remember this, since she's a year older than I am, and I was too young to know the difference when we met. What I do know is that she's always been there. A rock, a shoulder, a helping hand. We've done many things together over the course of my twenty-five years of life - big things and little things and family things and friend things - but of all those things, my favorite thing has been the times where we've just sat together. Talked. Caught up. Tossed back a few shots of this or that. It's the times where we did nothing out of the ordinary, because anyone can invite someone along or have them over when there's a reason for it. And if I had to offer a few words of advice to Neli and Landon, it would be this: Be passionate. About each other, about your marriage, and about the life you're building together. Be happy. With each other, with your marriage, and with the life you're building together. Learn each other. Grow together. Be what the other needs when they need it. I know they don't need to hear this, because they've already found in each other what some people spend their lives searching for, and I wish them both all the luck and love the world has to offer." |
![]() "Nelida and I were roommates our freshman year at UNC. We both had the same major so the majority of our classes were together, so we definitely bonded quickly and pretty soon we were inseparable. It's been an honor to have her as my best friend and to be there for so many milestones in her life. I'm so happy that she has found her special someone and I wish you two the very best. Love and blessings to both of you on your big day!" |
![]() "Firstly, to all the guests who were surprised by this being a wedding - Don't worry, half of the bridal party was too! Nelida is my cousin and I wouldn't expect anything less than a surprise wedding like this from her, so kudos to both her and Landon for pulling this off. Welcome to the family Landon! I want to wish you both a lifetime of happiness and love. Now let's party!" |
![]() "As Landon's older brother, I've known the kid since he was born. I had to watch over the little hooligan and eventually Shana too as they got into trouble together. It's a surreal experience to watch my younger brother grow from messy toddler to awkward "this growth spurt sucks" teenager to a full fledged adult. Now he's taking the final steps into adulthood by getting married. I always remember how scared he was to do his Bar Mitzvah because he thought he'd mess up the reading of the torah and I'll always think of him as that kid in some way or another even though he's grown up and gotten over his stage fright. That day was the beginning of my brother's descent into adulthood and today will be one of the final steps he makes. Best of luck to both of you and welcome to the family, Nelida." |
![]() "Landon and I met back in Hebrew school. We really don't have a cool story about how we became friends other than I asked him if I could bum a carrot stick off of him and we've been friends ever since. He always used to joke that I would be the first one to get married and that he'd be the one to throw my bachelor party. I guess that didn't happen and he owes me twenty bucks. I don't know Nelida very well but I know it takes one hell of a woman to keep Landon's attention and for him to take the plunge into marriage. I hope you two have a great and long marriage together. Mazel Tov." |
![]() "Thanks, Neli and Landon for showing me that I too can find true love on a dating app if I swipe right for the right girl. ...Who's reading this? My bad. My family and Landon's have always been close, we'd spend all of our winter breaks up in Big Bear at Aunt Marnie and Uncle Aaron's time share. Gideon once taught me and Landon to snowboard and we were so, so bad at it but it's one of my favorite memories. Landon and Gideon have been like brothers to me and I'm surprised that Landon's the first one of us to tie the knot. Thanks to whoever invented Tinder for making this love story possible, happy trails to you both. Cheers and all of that. Everyone remember to always swipe right." |
![]() Wait, Landon's getting married? Great, now my mom and dad are going to be bugging me until I settle down with a girl. Uh, right, anyway. Neli, I hope you know what you're getting yourself into by marrying into our family. Congrats to both of you." |
![]() "Before Simon gets to hog the spotlight by being cheesy, let me say this: love is patient, love is kind, love means slowly losing your mind. That was a joke, by the way. I don't know a lot about marriage or love but I know my cousin. Landon goes into everything one hundred and ten percent when he's truly passionate about something. He never gives up. He sticks to it. And that's something he's going to probably bring into your marriage together, Nelida. Is it Neli or Nelida? Anyway. I know you guys went into this really quickly but that's how Landon is. He dives into everything head first and gives his all." |
![]() "Last year, when I got married, I remember that Landon got wasted and started getting all depressed, saying that he'd never get married. He probably doesn't remember that. ...There's your refresher course, bud. A year later and Landon's tying the knot. To Nelida and Landon, welcome to the wonderful world of marriage. I always have to remind myself that marriage is for better or for worse. There'll be great times and there'll be bad times but it'll all work out if you tackle everything together." |