our story: nelida

"I first met Landon when I bumped into him one day at our apartment complex. we were neighbors and I generally have a strict no dating neighbors policy, but a few weeks after our initial meeting I joined Tinder and he was the first match I got, so I thought why not at least get to know him better. We started hanging out and somewhere along the way I realized that I was totally falling for him. In February my parents told me that they couldn't make their trip to Vegas and didn't want their hotel reservations or show tickets to go to waste, so they told me to take a friend and have fun. Landon was the first person I thought of. We went and we started dating that weekend, and we haven't looked back since. Landon is quite literally everything I'm not and everything that I will ever need. Our forever starts now and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him."
our story: landon

"I moved to Newport Beach after graduating from college at CSU Fullerton and moved in with a friend. As fate would have it, the roommate and I had to go our separate ways and I moved into a smaller place. I never thought something as simple as that would have such an impact on my life. I knew Neli a while as the girl down the hall, the one I always said hi to, the one I always ran into when we got the mail or brought out the garbage. I never thought it would go beyond that but it did and I had the privilege of getting to know her and be her friend and it growing into something more as we spent more and more time together, even going on a spontaneous trip together. Neli's passion for life and everyone around her is what helped me fall in love with her. I can't see myself spending the rest of my life with anyone else."